7 superfoods that help fight colon cancer

7 superfoods that help fight colon cancer

Colon cancer is cancer of the large intestine—the part of the body that plays a crucial role in digestion and waste elimination. Cancer is a serious and life-threatening condition, and it is essential to follow the doctor’s instructions when dealing with it. Poor eating habits increase the risk of colon cancer, so in addition to treatment, some superfoods can improve gut health and boost immunity. Here are some foods that can help manage colon cancer: Beans and legumes Beans and legumes are great options when it comes to combating colon cancer. Specifically, black beans contain certain fatty acids that protect against the growth of certain cancer cells. Berries Berries contain high levels of antioxidants and phytonutrients that are good for our gut health. Certain berries, such as black raspberries, contain high levels of anthocyanins, which restricts the growth of cancer cells in the body. Carrots Carrots contain beta-carotene, which can curtail the growth of abnormal cells. They also have other nutrients that can protect one against other types of cancer. Fish Fish like salmon and herring are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which are important for maintaining heart health and can fight the growth of new cancer cells. Cruciferous vegetables Vegetables like broccoli, kale, cabbage, and cauliflower contain substantial amounts of sulforaphane, which can minimize cancer risk and improve the body’s immunity. Nuts Nuts have been linked to a reduced rate of cancer recurrence and death in patients with third-stage colorectal cancer. Spinach Spinach is rich in fiber and folate, which help digestion and reduce the risk of colon cancer. The vegetable also contains carotenoids, which have been linked to helping the body fight against cancer cells. While these foods can help fight the risk of colon cancer, other foods can increase the risk of developing the condition or worsening the symptoms.
5 nourishing foods that strengthen lungs

5 nourishing foods that strengthen lungs

It is crucial to keep the lungs healthy in order to prevent the onset and escalation of serious conditions. There is a possibility that harmful toxins in the environment and consumption of inflammatory foods can lead to ailments such as chronic MAC infection, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and pulmonary fibrosis. Altering lifestyles and eating a nutrient-rich food regime can boost lung health. Here are five foods that can improve the function of the lungs. Beetroots and beet greens Beetroots are beneficial for the lungs, as they contain nitrates that relax blood vessels, decrease blood pressure, and improve oxygen levels in the body. On the other hand, beet greens are rich in magnesium and potassium, both minerals that boost lung health and help manage chronic MAC disease. Apples Apples, filled with beneficial flavonoids and a phytonutrient called quercetin, have always been known to keep doctors at bay. This fruit also contains phytochemicals that help keep your lungs healthy and your throat passageways clear. Apples contain all the good antioxidants that prevent chronic ailments. Ginger This immunity booster is an age-old remedy that helps keep the respiratory system healthy. Ginger is an anti-inflammatory spice and relaxes muscles of the lung tissue. A cup of ginger tea after your last meal aids digestion too. Bananas Bananas strengthen the heart and prevent oxidative damage of cells caused by free radicals. It is loaded with potassium and fibers that help promote lung function. Bananas are one of the fruits that people of all ages can consume. Tomatoes Lycopene is a carotenoid antioxidant that improves lung health, and tomatoes are full of them. They help in reducing inflammation of the airways in patients with asthma. Tomatoes boost immunity, too, as they are rich in potassium and vitamin C. In patients with severe lung conditions, doctors may recommend a change in lifestyle and antibiotics like Esbriet.
Avoid these 5 skincare mistakes that can cause premature aging

Avoid these 5 skincare mistakes that can cause premature aging

People begin to get worried about the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles as they age. Getting flawless skin is a common goal, and one can find plenty of advice online and in magazines on how to achieve it. However, one does not always need expensive products to boost their skin health. In fact, avoiding common skincare mistakes could help prevent premature aging. So here are a few things to avoid for youthful skin: Not using a sunscreen Skin diseases, including skin cancer, are brought on by over-exposure to harmful UV rays of the sun. According to dermatologists, about 90% of premature wrinkles could be caused by sun exposure. So, it is essential to use sunscreen even when one is outdoors for a short duration. Also, one should use sunscreen irrespective of the weather, i.e., even on cloudy days. One should use sunscreen that has a sun protection factor (SPF) of at least 30. Moreover, it is not just the heat from the sun that can cause premature aging, regularly using hot showers, saunas, and hot tubs can also cause skin damage. So, using lukewarm or tepid water to wash your face is the best solution. Unhealthy food choices Most health issues, including skin diseases , can be prevented by making better food choices. If one is regularly always eating junk and unhealthy food, then the body does not get the nutrients it needs. This deficiency is reflected on the skin surface, which might be prone to inflammation and acne breakouts. So, for improved skin health, one should opt for healthy and balanced meals. This should include food items that contain nutrients such as vitamin E, antioxidants, omega-3 fatty acids, zinc, and carotene, as these are good for the skin. One can find these nutrients in fish, berries, honey, nuts, and yogurt, among other foods.
Top six brain-boosting supplements

Top six brain-boosting supplements

People spend most of their time talking about their physical health without paying any heed to their brain health. What you need to understand is, the brain is also an essential aspect for your health. Without the right functioning of your brain, your life could literally become a living hell. Also, if you can somehow boost the power of your brain, then it could provide you miraculous results whether it is in the professional field or studies. Your brainpower starts to decline in your 20s. Therefore, many people turn to brain-boosting supplements to increase their declining brain power. Here, we discuss some of the best boosting supplements that you can use to enhance your brain power. Fish oils Fish oil supplements are one of the rich sources of DHA (docosahexaenoic acid), EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid), and two types of omega-3 fatty acids. There many health benefits associated with these fatty acids and one of them is improving your brain health. DHA plays one of the most pivotal roles in the functioning of your brain and keeping it structured. EPA and other omega-3 fatty acids help to protect your brain from getting damaged. DHA supplements are regarded as one of the best brain-boosting supplements. It improves your memory, analyzing, and reaction skills. EPA, on the other hand, it also improves your mood. Fish oil contains both these fats. Thus, taking fish oil can enhance your brain power. Resveratrol Resveratrol is one such antioxidant that could help you to boost your brain power. Many believe that resveratrol is one of the best brain-boosting supplements. It is naturally found on the skin of the red and purple fruits such as blueberries, raspberries, and grapes. It is found that consuming supplement with resveratrol might prevent the decaying of the hippocampus or the integration section of your brain linked with your memory.
Top 5 foods for managing osteoporosis

Top 5 foods for managing osteoporosis

When the body fails to replace older bone tissues with newer ones, it leads to osteoporosis. It is a condition that results in weak and brittle bones. Osteoporosis increases the risk of bone fractures and is often diagnosed late due to limited symptoms. So, it is important to look after your nutritional requirements to maintain bone health to avoid any health complications. To help you, here are the top five foods for managing osteoporosis. Nuts Nuts are a convenient and tasty remedy that also enhances the effect of bone density supplements for osteoporosis. You should include an assortment of almonds, walnuts, pistachios, pine nuts in your daily snacks. Nuts are replete with minerals like calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, and manganese, ensuring bone health. Milk Milk and milk products are superfoods that strengthen bone density. The recommended intake of dairy products is three servings a day. However, low-fat or skimmed milk is better as they contain less fat. Alternatively, soy milk and products are also good sources of calcium. Fatty fish Fatty fish include options like tuna, mackerel, salmon, and more. They are rich sources of omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants, vitamins A, C, D, and E and are high in protein content. This makes them a great addition to the plates of osteoporosis patients. The vitamin D found in these fish helps improve the body’s calcium absorption, resulting in improved bone health. Fortified foods For people that avoid dairy and dairy products, it can get tricky to get the required amount of calcium and vitamin D from food. In such instances, patients are advised to include fortified foods in their meals. This can include having a bowl of fortified cereal at breakfast with plant milk. Alternatives include fortified juices, vitamin D-rich pasta, and bread. Protein-rich foods Protein is crucial for the body to perform basic functions as well as help in the repair of damaged cells.
Types of cat litter and their effects on humans

Types of cat litter and their effects on humans

One may have to deal with cat waste if they have a domesticated feline friend at home. Many pet owners prefer using cat litter as they are easy to clean the excreted waste. All pet cats are litter trained, meaning they will only pee or poop inside the cat litter placed in the house. As a pet parent, one must ensure that the litter box is cleaned at least twice daily to keep it germ-free. But are there any dangers to having cat litter? Let’s find out. While having a cat litter box at home may not expose humans to fatal dangers, cleaning the litter box may lead to health issues if one is not careful with this sanitation process. There are different types of litter. Therefore, one must know how to manage them as they can adversely affect human health in the long run. Clumping litter Clumping litter contains bentonite, a substance that allows the liquid to clump together. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), it is best if humans do not inhale or ingest this substance. Some of these clumping cat litters also contain silica, which has carcinogenic effects leading to an increased risk of lung cancer. However, the amount exposed to humans at home in the form of cat litter is not enough to cause major harm. Non-clumping litter These litter formulas are mostly clay-based and they absorb the liquid, making it less powdery than the clumping litter. Clay is a natural material, so harmful effects are not severe unless, of course, humans ingest or inhale high amounts of it, which may cause health problems. However, many people prefer non-clumping litter over clumping litter to avoid potential health challenges. Plant-based biodegradable litter This type of litter is made using recycled paper, grains, wheat, and corn.
Top 4 food items that guarantee healthy hair

Top 4 food items that guarantee healthy hair

Nutrition plays a crucial role in a person’s general health. The food one eats regularly helps keep the skin and hair healthy. Further, foods also impact the hair’s volume, growth, and strength. However, the speed of growth and hair strength may also depend on various factors such as genetics, age, overall health, and environmental exposure. Although one cannot change these factors, one can adjust the daily meal plan to ensure proper nutrition. Foods for healthy hair Vitamins and minerals in food play a pivotal role in the growth cycles of hair follicles. Hence, healthcare professionals suggest a meal plan encompassing all the vital nutrients for healthy hair. Some of such healthy food choices are listed below. Salmon Fishes like salmon, mackerel, and sardines are rich in Omega-3 fatty acids. As the body cannot produce these fats, one can add these fish to their meal plan to ensure nutrition. Further, the fatty acids also protect the body from diseases and ensure the growth and shine of the hair. Eggs A good source of protein and biotin, eggs are essential for hair growth. As hair follicles are made up of protein, one must ensure regular protein intake to ensure minimum hair loss. Furthermore, research has shown that the intake of increased amounts of biotin may help improve hair growth. Also, eggs are rich in zinc, selenium, and other nutrients the hair needs. Chia seeds A nutritional powerhouse, chia seeds are an excellent source of Omega-3 fatty acids. Moreover, they are filled with fiber and antioxidant properties that promote healthy and beautiful hair. Further, the seeds also contain copper and zinc, the key minerals for hair health. While zinc stimulates protein transformation, copper aids in the regeneration of new hair. Spinach Spinach is a leafy green packed with nutrients and contains iron, folate, vitamin A, and vitamin C.
Top 4 healthy foods to eat for seniors

Top 4 healthy foods to eat for seniors

Age is a crucial factor that determines a person’s food habits. For example, a certain food, which one can digest easily in their twenties, might not suit them after 50. So, older adults must be careful about their nutritional habits to maintain optimum health. Such individuals need a meal plan that involves nutritious foods that do not take much effort to digest. Keep reading to learn about the best foods for people over 60. Eggs High-protein foods are needed to stabilize the metabolism of the eaten meals in the digestive system. As people age, their caloric requirements decrease while their protein needs are enhanced to minimize muscle loss, a decrease in strength, and deterioration of vital body functions. Foods such as eggs are rich sources of naturally occurring protein. Usually, the recommended protein intake for people is about 0.8 grams of kilograms of their body weight per day. People over the age of 60 will require way more protein than that. Health and nutrition experts suggest that the figure should be at least 1.2 kilograms daily for effective metabolism and functioning. Oatmeal Like protein, fiber is essential for reinforcing the defense mechanism of one’s body as it ages. After 60, one must eat high-fiber foods such as oatmeal, chickpeas, quinoa, flaxseed, and chia seeds to reduce the risk of heart disease, diabetes, metabolic disorders, diverticular disease, and other health conditions brought about by a weakening of the immune system. All these reasons make oatmeal one of the best foods for people over 60. Salmon Vitamin D is a vital nutrient needed to strengthen bone strength as people age. Dairy is a good source of vitamin D. However, fatty fish is arguably the best source of this vitamin. Fatty fish like salmon, tuna, mackerel, and others also contain essential omega-3 fatty acids that reduce inflammation, yet another health risk associated with advancing age.
Causes and warning signs of prolonged headaches

Causes and warning signs of prolonged headaches

Headaches are common and unavoidable. Many people might have experienced this painful sensation at some point in life. Headaches can vary in intensity; sometimes, they are more severe than usual, and otherwise, they will be mild. There are times when headaches last longer than the usual bouts of pain. If it happens, it indicates an underlying health concern necessitating treatment. Read further to learn about the common trigger factors of such long-lasting headaches. Migraine Migraines are headaches lasting anywhere from a few hours to a few days. People can experience migraine due to various trigger factors, including stress, lack of quality sleep, unhealthy nutritional habits, and hormonal changes. Common symptoms of migraines include light and sound sensitivity, visual disturbances, and nausea. Tension headaches Tension headaches are one of the most common types of headaches. These are usually caused by poor posture, tension in the shoulders and neck, and stress. Tension headaches can last for a few hours or sometimes even for days. Cluster headaches Custer headache is characterized by severe pain experienced on one side of the head. A rare form of headache, it is usually accompanied by symptoms such as watery eyes and nasal congestion and can last for a few weeks or even up to a few months. Sinus headaches As the name suggests, sinus headaches are caused by the inflammation of the sinuses. These headaches can last for several days or go on for weeks. The identifying symptoms of sinus headaches include facial pain, fever, and nasal congestion. Warning signs of long-lasting headaches Some other red flags could indicate a more severe underlying health condition that requires a healthcare professional’s intervention. These include- A severe or sudden headache that might feel like a thunderclap Headaches that result from a head injury or after a concussion Headaches accompanied by weakness, vision disturbances, and numbness of one side of the face Headaches accompanied by stiff neck, fever, confusion If any of these symptoms persist or the pain lasts more than three days despite trying remedies and treatments, it is advised to seek a health expert’s advice.
Lifestyle factors that may affect one’s menstrual cycle

Lifestyle factors that may affect one’s menstrual cycle

There can be minor variations in a woman’s menstrual cycles. While the average cycle lasts 28 days, it can, at times, occur after every 24 to 31 days. When a woman’s cycle unexpectedly falls outside of the usual range, she may be experiencing irregular periods. A disrupted menstrual cycle can lead to excruciatingly painful symptoms. A number of factors can be responsible for this, some of which are listed below. The reasons for irregular menstrual cycles The following are the primary causes for skipped or irregular menstrual cycles. An unhealthy meal plan The thyroid and adrenal glands are affected due to a meal plan that’s high in stimulants but lacking minerals, antioxidants, and probiotic foods. For instance, a meal plan high in sugar, hydrogenated fats, and chemical additives has been related to thyroid problems and adrenal exhaustion, which can cause cortisol to rise. This could lead to a longer cycle and anovulation. If cortisol remains high for an extended time, periods can become irregular or even less frequent. To avoid this, make sure to eat foods that are nutrient-dense and contain enough protein. Low BMI A low body mass index (BMI) of below 18 or 19 may lead to irregular periods. Women with low BMI do not produce the required amount of estrogen. An abnormal menstrual cycle or amenorrhea can occur as a consequence. Extremely low-calorie meal plans can cause nutritional deficiencies, leading to irregular periods. Food sensitivity and allergies A woman’s hormone levels can be impacted by celiac disease or gluten sensitivity that has not been adequately identified. These disorders have the potential to cause nutrient deficiencies, have a terrible impact on intestinal health, and put chronic stress on your adrenal glands, which can impair the synthesis of sex hormones. Exercising excessively Moderate exercise is vital for heart health, mental health, and a regular sleep schedule.
Key things to know about lactose-free milk

Key things to know about lactose-free milk

Lactose and gluten are the new buzzwords in the health market. Despite their popularity, many people still need clarification on what the terminologies mean and their ramifications on specific health conditions. Also, since digestive problems are rising, there has been significant research and development in food alternatives. This article explores one of the most popular alternatives, i.e., lactose-free milk – and why it may be a sound choice for many. What is lactose-free milk? Many people experience abdominal issues such as bloating, diarrhea, vomiting, and abdominal pain after consuming regular milk. This health condition is known as lactose intolerance. It occurs due to the sugar ‘lactose’ found in dairy products like milk, cheese, and ice cream, which can be difficult to digest. It may be caused due to genetic factors or due to illness or injury to the small intestine. As a solution to this, companies began producing lactose-free milk, that is, regular milk without lactose. Most lactose-free milk contains 0.1% or less of lactose. This is achieved by processing milk to remove most of its lactose content and adding lactase to cow’s milk. Lactase helps break down lactose content in the body, making it easier for people to consume and digest milk. Although slightly sweeter, its nutrients (calcium, protein, and vitamin B) and texture profile are the same as regular milk. Why switch to lactose-free milk? Although most people are born with the ability to digest lactose, most (around 75%) tend to lose it over time, leading to lactose intolerance. It occurs due to the decreased activity of lactase in their bodies. Since lactose-free milk contains lactase, it’s often perceived as a good alternative to milk. Is it suitable for everyone? Although lactose-free milk may be ideal for those with lactose intolerance, it is still a dairy product. It can cause allergic reactions of varying intensities (such as hives, vomiting, etc.) among people allergic to dairy.
6 ways in which assisted living benefits seniors

6 ways in which assisted living benefits seniors

Leading a dignified life and having access to basic necessities and comforts is every senior citizen’s absolute right. Assisted living facilities provide extensive senior care catering to one’s specific requirements, including assistance with daily activities like bathing and eating, as well as emergency help and healthcare services. The size of assisted living facilities may range from 20-25 residents to as many as 120. This article delves into the benefits of availing assisted living services: Personalized assistance One of the greatest benefits of assisted living for senior care is that these facilities provide personalized assistance following a close evaluation of a senior citizen’s needs and preferences. For example, while some seniors may require help with all daily activities, others may only require overall supervision and may be able to carry out most of these tasks independently. Assisted living facilities consider every such requirement and provide the necessary services accordingly. Assured safety for seniors A safe and secure environment is essential for peaceful living. Assisted living facilities offer safe environments for seniors to lead comfortable lives without worrying about taking safety measures. Background checks of staff members are performed thoroughly before they are employed to ensure that only reliable and trustworthy individuals provide services to seniors. Companionship Assisted living facilities provide the opportunity for seniors to closely interact and co-exist with individuals of their age groups who can understand and empathize with their challenges and needs. Availability of all facilities within the premises Seniors may often find it challenging to commute to other areas in search of utilities and services. Assisted living facilities offer all the required facilities, including healthcare needs within their premises, making it easy for seniors to fulfill all their requirements without having to navigate far. Access to a host of activities Many assisted living facilities offer physically and mentally stimulating activities for seniors, including yoga and meditation, reading clubs, board games, and hobby groups, which aid in overall health and well-being.